Monday, July 14, 2008

rant # a millon

i think we put too much effort into believing in people,situations & relationships. Thinking things can or will change. thinking that people do change and sometimes, time fixes things. I think when you believe someone can change or things change, you leave yourself in a situation you cant get out of. Cause now all thoughts, talks, and action are based on false hope of change. Sometimes we're too scared to give up because we don't know what else we'll find. Sometimes we stay in denial because we don't want to admit we were wrong once again. being in denial stops us from fully getting hurt and leaves us to believe that we can change someone. People don't change unless they want too. Some people are better at showing emotion than others and some just don't care like they say they do. it's hard to differentiate between the two. when things do a complete 180 in a matter of hours without explanation we start to way over think. there's always anwsers but whether you get the truth or not is dependent upon maturity. just remember when good things change, its because better things are comming.

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