it's interesting how one phone call, one trip to the doctors or one knock on your door can virtually change your life as it stands. No more future plans, no more relif of knowing you have some kind of a plan. It's all take away by those communicational figures. You have to start over and re think everything out. you could lose someone you didn't even have yet. and have it feel substantially painful. Lose someone whom you thought was important. It can change your thought of mind, your beleifs, even your thought on life. It determins your motivation to succeed and conitune life as it is. with new changes. unexpected ones. maybe this is to teach you vaules. and how to over come such circumstances. I'm not really sure. but it's like everyones life plans or just admirable characteristics are falling apart and comming undone right before everyones eyes. and reality shows us there's nothing we can do.
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